This past weekend I took part in the Youth Villages 5k; this was my second 5k since I started running back in January. While I didn't place (and doubt that I ever will) I did best my last time by 2 full minutes finished the 3.1 miles in 27minuts and 4 seconds. Not bad for a fat ass.

It seems that while Tony Roy is digging himself out of the snow - the blast furnace of summer has reared its ugly head in Memphis. Here we are - April 18th - and we have already had several days at near record hot temps ; not just warm - I am talking 90 degrees. Just when you think you like spiring BAMMO!! God slams you into summer - yuck!!!

We all have them I am sure - I work with one of "those" people that no matter how many times you tell them that you don't like or watch something they continue to pester you about it. This person continues to come and ask me if I watch American Idol - to which I always give the same response - NO. So guess what happened this morning - "Hey Ryan did you watch AI last night?" Do they think the answer is gonna be any different???
On another note I guess I am just peeved that my TiVo box is on the blink and is about to blow up. It has been skipping like a scratched DVD so I have tried all of the fixes to no avail- I did the soft reset several times; so finally I decide to grow a set and clear the hard drive. The screen tells me that it will take an hour or so- well 3 hours later it is still going. So I call DirecTV and ask a few questions and they tell me that it will take up to 4 hours; upon waking up this morning I check it and it is still going - another call and another answer - now it will take up to 24 hours. I can't really complain about the service as I love my DirecTV and have had zero problems, but this is starting to irritate me. JUST SEND ME A NEW ONE ALREADY!!!

Being a homewoner isn't all that hard- just time consuming and expensive.For the last few weekends I have been out in the yard builidng a bed and filling it with fdirt. We finally got around to putting some plants in this weekend. some Jasmine vine and a lot of day lillies courtesy of mom in-law. We even had enough to do three rows in the backs and enough to put up front. Now I just have to turn my attention to the lawn.

After my little vacation from phsical activity I have returned to my running schedule. Can someone please remind me that I don't need to take 2 weeks off ever again?? I am so sore.

Really, I haven't gone anywhere - just haven't had much to say.
Since spring has sprung, clocks have changed and tornado season has arrived I have been working in the yard to get the house presentable. Built a flower bed for the wife (pictures to follow), hauled 6 cubic yards of dirt from the from to back; for those of you that don't know - that is a lot of dirt. The funny part is that a cubic yard of screen soil really isn't all that expensive - $12 - but to have it delivered cost me $40 to go 2 miles from my house, what a rip off. -After that I cleaned up the front lawn and fertilized it only to have a few storms roll through washing it away - so guess what I get to do this weekend???
I have been pretty lazy during the week though - ever since I got burned I have not kept to my running schedule- well that changes today . Gotta get back on the horse.
only exciting news - we finally got a vacation together and are headed to london in the fall - should be fun!!!