Really, I haven't gone anywhere - just haven't had much to say.
Since spring has sprung, clocks have changed and tornado season has arrived I have been working in the yard to get the house presentable. Built a flower bed for the wife (pictures to follow), hauled 6 cubic yards of dirt from the from to back; for those of you that don't know - that is a lot of dirt. The funny part is that a cubic yard of screen soil really isn't all that expensive - $12 - but to have it delivered cost me $40 to go 2 miles from my house, what a rip off. -After that I cleaned up the front lawn and fertilized it only to have a few storms roll through washing it away - so guess what I get to do this weekend???
I have been pretty lazy during the week though - ever since I got burned I have not kept to my running schedule- well that changes today . Gotta get back on the horse.
only exciting news - we finally got a vacation together and are headed to london in the fall - should be fun!!!
Just make sure you take lots of pics?
How long are you going for?
7:16 AM
We will be there for 7 days. I will take lots of pic, will probablytry to post them when I get back - but that won't be for a long time.
11:56 AM
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