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0 comments | Wednesday, November 28, 2007

With the impending SEC title game between the Vols and the Tigers I thought Zack could use a little ribbin'!!!!

And One For Gary Z....

1 comments | Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do or how hard you work that you just can't get ahead in the game of life?

I know this sounds like a Zackpe post but damn...life can suck hard.

0 comments | Monday, November 26, 2007

OK - so I know it has been a while since my last post, over six months...here are some of the highlights....

1. Since one of my coworkers quit in February I have been cover a 3rd of the continental US for my "territory"
2. Most of my summer wnt by with not much excitement...I raced a lot (MSRA). Took home a 3rd place trophy for my season long efforts.
3. Went to San Francisco to see the Cal v UT game - had a blast, too bad we still lost!!!
4. Absolutely nothing.

See - I really was doing you a favor by not updating, this way I didn't waste your time!!!

0 comments | Monday, May 07, 2007

May has arrived and with it comes the Beale Street Music Fest. Lots of bands, lots of people and usually lots of mud. For the first time in a long time the wife and I ventured downtown for the festival and after a long lay off I have to say that it has come a long way. Gone are the days of uber long port-o-let lines and lack of concessions. It seems that they have finally gotten their acts together - they even had picnic tables to sit at around the park.

We ventured out around 2:45 on Sunday the 6th to see Guster and Bare Naked Ladies. I have to say that the recent development of the down town area has made music fest much more bearable. Lots of garages for parking and plenty of air conditioned places to grab a brew before you head into the park.

We got there just in time to see Guster at 5:15 - great show and a great band. If that drummer ever quits they are toast...his hands must ache for days. Good times and good music. After that was BNL - for those of you who are laughing - let me tell you that you get your money out of a bare naked show. they are hight energy and fun to watch. We had a blast; one of my best experiences at a concert.

0 comments | Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Life the last few weeks has been interesting; intermixed with home inprovement projects, family time and the kids...err..I mean dogs. Sasha has been a blast...now if we can just get that little bladder under control I think we will be well on our way to the nuclear family. We took her to the Vet and found out she had a bladder infection which was wreaking havoc with our attempts to potty train, now we are on meds and having a blast at pill time...MMMMMMM P-NUT BUTTER!!!!

She and sully are really doing well together.....

Although he might beg to differ at times.....

We do have the occaisonal identity crisis and confusion over which dog is the baby....

For the most part this is how we spend our time. I have been riding my bike more and running a few times a week. It feels good to get back to it.

0 comments | Friday, March 30, 2007

Let's see - been a while so where do I start????

1. I told you we bought a new house - that is going well. Lot's of painting and decorating going on; I remodeled the guest bath - will post pics soon.

2. We got a new puppy...Sasha is her name - she is a golden/chocolate lab mix; at least we think she is.....

Sully didn't really know what to think at first but now he is cool with her - you can tell he likes being big brother.....

Other than the pups life has been tied to the new house, just getting moved in is a big hassle. Oh well - we ae getting there!!

0 comments | Monday, January 15, 2007

With the impending sale of our current residence and lack of success in obtaining a new one the wife and myself were beginning to panic about our lack of housing prospects. That is until late last week. Since several of the homes we were interested in would't work with us or sold before we could get there. In light of all the crap we now have a house. Open rooms and good spaces - not a lot of trees like we were after but it backs up to the Green Belt in C'ville that connects the parks together - I will post more pics later.

2 comments | Monday, January 08, 2007

So now that we have sold our house we are trying to find a new one. After a lot of debating and arguing we are trying to decide between these......

1. Royal Elm - This house is located in a nice part of Collierville and very close to the Green Belt. We have offered this property before and got no where but feel that we should go back and try again. While the pictures are bad the house is in great shape - new roof, newer A/C, nice floors all the things we would do to make it ours. Point is that we like it as it stand and it would require very little to make it livable for us.

2. Poplar Pike - A traditional 2 story home in Germantown. It has a ton of space -2900+ sq feet to be more accurate, large lot - but it has pink carpet through out and needs to be up dated a little more. It is a nice house but we just can't see ourselves in it all that easily.

So what is your opinion?

0 comments | Friday, January 05, 2007

Last we spoke I had just listed the house - 50 some odd days later it is sold....

now we just need to find a new house; that should be fun.

3 comments | Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well; it is official...who wants to buy it ...tell all your friends

House fo sale!!!