Well I thought about posting individual accounts of each day from my vacation to London but the fact is that I can't keep the days straight without the aid of pictures and my wife so i will hit some of the high points.
Day 2- We started off by heading over to the Portabella Road Market. It was pretty cool, a lot of sidewalk vendors strung out over a bout a 2 mile stretch of rod. They were selling things like antiques, photos, clothes, shoes and food. We made our best purchase here - 4 11x25 photos of different parts of the city - all for 10 pounds or about $20. After that we headed over to the British Musem of art and a little later to the Vicotria and Albert Musem - for a little art and history. We finished up the day with a tour of Kensington Palace, a rather drab "palace" more so a glorified house with a large garden. We had our first Afternoon Tea here and man was it good...we need to start that back in the states, along with nap time.
Day 3 - On Sunday we took a guided tour to Winchester, Stonehenge and Bath. Winchester was a small quite little town with a beautiful Abbey and a small chapel that housed the Round Table that King Arthur used ( see flickr for pics). We were only there a short while - an hour or so - before we headed out to stonehenge. The strangest part of Stonehnge is the location - seemingly in the middle of nowhere; you come upon this out cropping of rocks that just looks out of place.; kind of ominous really. Originally it was made of wood and then some small stones which make up the inner circles today and then finally the large stones that we see now. It was a calendar; much like the Mayan temples, it allowed the people of the time to know when to plant and harvest their crops. Pretty neat really. After that we headed to Bath, toured the old roman bathes and twalked the town for a couple of hours; this is a beaultiful towna and if we do go back to England I would most certainly give it a day or two by itself.