Since so many are curious as to how fast my little car can go I have decided to post this link -
in other words I have no idea of the true speed of my car but this should give you a good idea of the speed - so watch this race from the July 9th electric race here in Memphis.......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8TGTxRmzfY
Not the greatest vid but it gives a good idea of the speed.

Sorry to the 3 readers that I have for not being here. It has been a strange month.
My last post was about our trip to the Indy 500 - well we had some excitemnet there - my dad decided to have some pass out episodes. Since outr return he has been back and forth to several doctors and is now facing the choice of whether or not he needs a pace maker...that sux.
As some of you know I sold my set of Zipps with King hubs; but what you don't know is why. Well I have been itching to get into some radio controlled hobbies for a while now. originally I wanted a plane - but they are expensive and need a lot of room to fly; not to mention itf you loose control of it you get to watch it spiral to the ground and then pick up the pieces. So I gravitated towards a helicopter since you don't need as much room; but you still run the risk of running it into the ground.
So I settled on this......

I know what you are thinking - what a redneck - but it is actually pretty fun.